Packing Tips
Invest in equipment
Before the big move, stock up on supplies. Items that you will need to purchase for packing include cardboard boxes, bubble wrap, box cutters, permanent markers, packing tape, paper towels, and garbage bags. If these supplies aren’t all used during the move, they’ll still be useful afterward around the house. A way to save money while moving is to ask neighbours and friends if they have any moving boxes you can use. They might have boxes around from their own recent moves or large package deliveries. For larger moving equipment, considering renting moving tools from a moving company. If you hire a full moving service, they’ll likely have their own equipment. If you move very frequently, you may be better off purchasing these tools. Whether you are renting or buying, make sure you have a furniture dolly, furniture pads or covers, and tie-down straps or rope at your disposal during the move.
Get rid of items you don’t need
The simplest way to make packing easier is to reduce the number of items you need to move. Setting aside some time to declutter and getting rid of unwanted or unneeded items saves you significant time and can reduce the cost of hiring movers. Sort your belongings into three categories: sell, donate, and trash. Sell or donate anything that’s in good condition, and trash anything that’s junk. Some non-profits may schedule pickups for furniture or other large items, be sure to ask around to see if you can save yourself some trouble. Don’t forget to include your closet when decluttering. If you haven’t worn something in the last year, chances are you won’t wear it in the next year. Instead of taking it with you and having it take up valuable real estate in your moving boxes, consider donating it to someone who would wear it. You can take all those items you’ve already deemed nonessential and have a garage sale, or list them online to make some extra money for your move.